Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Blast from the Past: Hunting for Samuel Boone's House

Every now and then I will post some photos from historic sites and other adventures I went on when I didn't have time to blog as much as I do now. Below are photos and some narration from when my friends Ryan, Nat, and I explored the outer limits of the Daniel Boone Homestead last December (it was actually the day before New Years and I was house sitting in Macungie for two weeks remember?). We found the foundation of Samuel Boone's house.
We met up at Daniel Boone and had a happy reunion with old coworkers and animal friends.

We started out on the horse trail because that was the only map that existed of that part of the homestead, and Jim gave us a rough idea of where he thought the foundation was in relation to the horse trails.

It was muddy.

We also got lost a little.

But in general it was fun, fun, fun. Indeed it was idyllic.

And then there was the thorn bushes. We fought our way through a great deal of them. In fact, the foundation was actually located inside of a grove of thorn bushes.

But we made it! The foundation just looked like a pile of rocks. But wouldn't it be cool to do an excavation? I wish I knew more about archeology, I would dig it up myself.

After such an excursion the three of us went home better friends then ever before. I will look back at that experience as one of the happiest moments of my life. It wasn't anything fancy or elaborate, just three friends working together for a common goal, and discovering something really amazing.

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