Thursday, June 4, 2009

Acid Rain

On Tuesday I helped out with a program for highschool kids. The kids went to three stations, all dealing with biology in some way. I helped out with the acid rain station, but there was also a station about counting the number of deer in the woods based on the amount of poop, which I regretfully didn't help with. Here are some photos of what we did that day.

Here is a picture of my co worker Andy showing the students an instrument that gauges the amount of rain we get, and makes a line graph that charts the amount per day. Andy made me talk about acid rain and the PH scale because I had no idea what the instruments did. The day before the program Andy told me to "take three seconds to look over some information about the PH scale and acid rain," and I took that advice literally. So needless to say most of the ninth graders knew more about the subject than me.

Another thing that measures rain water. We send all of these things to a lab and they analyze them for pollutants including mercury.

You're supposed to wear gloves so you don't taint the water sample.

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