Monday, July 20, 2009

Grey Towers and the Arts

At Grey Towers we have lots of special programs that involve the literary and visual arts. Over the last few weeks I have been able to observe two of these programs. The first was a story telling program aimed at children. There were two people switching off telling stories and singing songs, mostly about the environment. I listened to one story that was about Johnny Appleseed and his friend coyote. The moral of the story was that planting trees gave us resources for years to come, while just chopping them down and not replantng isn't a good idea because we won't have any resources in the future. Here are a couple pictures I took of the event.

The next week we had a poetry reading which was held by the Green Heron poetry society. It was mostly composed of retired women and one man who composed and read poetry about the environment. I enjoyed some of the poems. Usually the person who wrote the poem read it, bus occasionally they needed another person to help read certain lines. Some of the people there were good readers, and they even interjected with bird noises and things like that at the appropriate times during certian poems.

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